In Veda we found the references of avatarvad. But the concept avatarvad, first explains in Shrimand Bhagavad Gita was very clear and definitive is derived. Through Lord Krishna incarnation in human form as we get a little bit about the introduction of God’s life and how we have to leave our life.
God is the embodiment of the common man's birth, what is the difference between the two? Human says birth and God birth called avatar. Avatar is an avrut - (come from high to low). The high field to come below is called avatar. God's own perfection in, a stationary position, Niranjan, formless state of the status. This incarnates for the establishment of seasons on earth, for the upliftment of truth. God Himself has said in the Gita that ....
" Yadda Yadda Hi Dharmasya, Galanibhavrti Baharat |
Abhyutthanadharmasya Tadadtman Srujamyham”||
" When the religion is in guilt, when increasing emphasis is hurtful at time that I am willing to do reincarnate '. The difference between the birth of Lord Krishna and that of the common man is that man is born of karma Bandhan and the Lord incarnates voluntarily, for the welfare of the people, for the establishment of the season. The birth of Lord Krishna is unprecedented in any incarnation of God till date. In its Krishna avatar is called Purnavatar. Krishna is called Purna Purushottam, because the divinity that has shone in his life from birth to renunciation of the body, the dominance that has manifested, has not happened in any other human incarnation. From his birth until his departure, until the nirvana, the one for tightening the glorious message we got to live life the same as in the Yugadrashta Shree Krishna.
Lord Krishna 's birth also in jail(karagrah), what it shows is? God born on Janmashtami day was. So, what Janmashtami show it? His birth place and day of birth, both of us says marking. That every human being himself standing in the karma is born in Jail, how to get out of this karma Bandhan, their message is because salvation itself for God to be born in Jail and his divinity one experience of an object made. If we remember Lord Krishna, just remember the good karma, but also a life to be lived, Let's follow them - truth, season, happiness - is when God takes birth in us and gives us salvation. After Lord was born in prison, Vasudeva takes him away. The river Yamuna is flowing on two banks, it is raining but the toe of the Lord's foot is touched and the river becomes calm. What this shows is? Unusual flows continue in us like Word, touch, look, interest, smell - a terrible tremendous flow pulls us. Somewhere when they saw the look- they became greedy, where they heard praise- they became inflated, when they heard condemnation- they became angry. All word, touch, look, interest, smell - which is right and continue to flow. The flow is enormous, But the Lord's feet are touching, there was a great calm in us. If we remember it, we will be realized.
Near the State of the Kansh, there is a joy of abode and that is Vrindavan. It is the big thing! Knash is Chakraborty who is emperor, whose power would not be able to running Vrindavan. Because our heart is Vrindavan. O God! You stop my inferior nature, dilute it and take me to Vrindavan. Krishna’s Bal Lila Of Vrindavan, In Memory of mystery of Veda’s, Karma and Bhakti. Nand home is Anand Dham, while Kansh is to be destructor and king of monstrous. How Krishna is so potential to destroyed all Ashur or monstrous. The stories of tanmatrani stories are, As Trunavarta to slaughter, Nagdaman, Dahimmanthana, Davanal Paan etc. ......
Sakatasura story of – Sakat means Carts. Carts either be devilish? Then the cart came on Krishna, when the feet of Krishna touched the cart and it falls. What this shows is? Our body is Sakat. Five senses and the mind, sixth is our soul, we buried in under this Sakat. But if we fall that Sakat? Our Bhagavad form, the form of our consciousness, our Krishna swarup dehabhava then give it away? So, Shakta Sur is killed by Krishna. Which we are living beneath its load, then unburdened become free to go.
Trunavarta's slaying- Trunavarta is a whirlwind of a monster? Yes, our minds concerns, problems, anger, desires storms traveled only, which is killed by Lord Krishna.
Dava Nal Paan- Life Dava Nal is burning and The Lord Krishna help it out with this Davanal to us. Thus, Gope Lila with God. We say Damodar to Lord Krishna because it says that once the naughtiness of Krishna and Yashoda goes to bind Krishna. Krishna will not bind to; all the rope is lessened to bind Krishna? it is simply a love that can bind Krishna. This is very big thing God has done it! Balakrishna mother's looks have been exhausted, has been lost, so walk in front of yourself and bind voluntarily.
" Premna Tantane Bandhi Hariji”
- Dayaram
Love filaments become attached itself to the unheard-of thing the Lord explained. Says that, Vrindavan Lila, yogis will not learn only there was so beloved one’s can learn. But 'mother' does not have to be taught love . Love empire is so big. A love of the Kingdom of God's self- stated the opposite disclosed. He assumes incarnation, comes in human form and takes man beyond human religion.
Naagdaman Story – Ahankari Naag, virulent serpent, - mainstreaming sat in our hearts. Balakrishna sat on that snakes, dancing on his fangs. Krishna is the lord of fear. His life teaches us how to Mrityunjaya to be done. In dying also how to come out it. Next talk is the birth of Janmashtami? Is there a hint? Yes; The eighth place is of Apara Prakriti. Earth, water, fire, air, sky – that five and location the mind, intellect, ego so total eight it is the nature of the Apara Prakriti. Ashtami it Ashtadha Prakriti. This world is in all eight nature. It is the owner and we had ashtadha nature in the extract from. The eighth place in the birth chart is considered the place of death. We all are in Jail, but from the freedom that we know the way that does not cause our research. Meditation Lord Krishna, is the invocation, his recollection of the spirit, the soul, the innermost spirit, we let today revealed the need for God in this body.
Dahi Manthana Story - Indeed God did not spill milk and nowhere to milk steal. Why yogurt or Dahi? Because yogurt (Dahi) is the middle state of the mind. Yogurt freezes when we mix in milk. Yogurt is in the pot and we hang it for process, is the mind of the mid-day curve is. Our mind is usually so deeply in pained, when we are suffering and happy when we done with in the ego, our mind is not steady. when we will move the pot, milk inside the pot is also move. But when the milk that has settled in pot became similar to the pot shapes. so, Concentration of mind is required for any work. Concentration is also required in dealings. Transaction points and qualities of parmarth (God) is not different, is same. Purification is the name of any transaction of life. Any type of transaction depends on your concentration. Trade, deals sastras Dhana, politics, diplomacy take it anywhere, everything will depend on the success of the men of the mind of concentration. As we all day long practice of interacting keep looking. What is the purpose of the day- long uprising? whole day we are struggling. All tan tear of struggle, the last of the stampede reported to be better, our death should be holy death. The day finally formulated the evening. If all the karma of that day is done with a holy spirit, then the night prayer will be sweet. If we choose the last step of the day, then all the karma of the day will be successful. Only then will there be concentration of the mind. Concentration requires purity of mind in the life. The same is the stability of the mind, the mind of concentration. There is a middle state of mind. First are our minds, we like to frozen the yogurt, so surely Govind (Krishna) need to come. But when yoghurt is settled? When does the mind become stable or concentrated? it happens when remembrance of God. Let continual remembrance, let us worship, invocation do, it forming when we do prayer, its world lead is when the mind becomes steady.
"Hernia Jan to Mukti n Mange
Mage Janmojanam Avatar Re
Nit Darshan Nit Ochchhav Kirtan
Nirakhva Nandkumar Re ........” - Narasiha Mehta
We live in the Jail until we become a slave of Kansh. But when God will come and open the door of jail (Karagrah) than we do not have fear of Kansh and the fear of death. Then we will enter the Vrindavan Dham. For soul to stabilize, yogurt pot must be there. Milk has to be deployed. The result is remembering God’s name. To recite the name of Lord Krishna in such a peaceful manner, the name awakens from the name of God, the form awakens from the remembrance and Paramatma is manifested in our life, in our mind, in our whole being.
Similarly, Lord Krishna in the Gita, the karma thing the same is - O Arjuna, a man without deeds is not worker. And it is not only is the knowledge without action is not a successful man. You see that, every man just does some or the other work. Her attitude is something in his will. Not a single moment can be lived without karma. Thus, the law of the world of man's hands and feet despite they are sitting, so his minds of many kinds in stupid hating rag shed, the hypocrites were also considered. If that is not better than the senses embraced with abandon attachment, business targets without any attachment (aasakti) something hands-down means being detached without the Karma, Karma to the browsed. The stars often lie ministry - he embraced the senses are made of. I remember the deeds of the yagna karya keeps all karma is bound to people other than the sacrifice itself might not be good for others, philanthropy is a good challenge for Labor is the short service. where the service is there, no aasakti, no attachment such sacrifice, such a service you are having. The peace of human’s differential will be glad, it is not 'doing' something can be said to do, there is no benefit from its karma. Not even doing. About someone selfishness is not a sign Yagna Karya. So, keep doing your duty but do not keep raga-dwesh(anger)or greediness in it. Do not keep attachment in it. Do your duty. The rules are the same, good man considered the big stage to make a copy of the common people. Krishna said to that, what I want to act in self orchard was? I am at deed or karma 24 hours without ate but lying in it, and so people relatively treats. If I can go for laziness, what happens to the world? If the sun, moon, stars, etc. become stable, then the world can be understood to be destroyed, and I am the one who keeps all of them in the law that gives speed, isn't it? Fair enough, but what people have told that I have no aashakti (attachment) and People are obsessed, selfish being subservient to the labor. Thou shalt aashakti should leave so that people ought to be karma bhrasta happen slowly and gradually learning of anasakta. That is why Karma yogis look normal even though they are different from the common man.
However, the battle against the relative is that Arjuna’s pain. want work if I don't do? How can we make our relatives happy? Arjuna said to Krishna - 'I will not fight' and sits in the chariot. All talk and realizing what a jealous after Krishna, Arjun 's last adjudication hearing - thou shalt say, you will not fight, but you have to fight. Star temperament contest is. You have fought all your life. Here not to contest the next to fight. If not for this reason then you will fight for another reason. Then Why not fight here? You are bound by your nature. Nature will drag you away. You fight, you do what you have to do. You are not abiding to do so. I have settled everything. You are just an excuse. For hey man! God realizes the one who approaches karma with powerlessness. You will get the Moksha if you do your Karma Yoga to help other with pure heart without expecting anything.
I Spiritual do not know much but I am understood way to summarize you to put it so, I am grateful if you like the article.