AlI the degrees that we currently study is for vocational education. The main purpose of this education is to develop intelligence, to make one a professional and to earn the money required for the life. This education is essential for a person to be literate. Yet if a person is sitting with a professional education for a lifetime, surely, he will be resourceful but life will be incomplete without moral values. A student of commerce is good in Business, Engineering Student is good at making machines and Science student is good in Science. Education is working in the same way today, but it has led to the fact that a student in science often fails in the laboratory of life. The student of Commerce is making a loss in the subject of life. There are many examples of students who have won gold medals in business management but who have failed in life management.
Today's education is becoming a little informational and a radical change is required in the way that students are taught not just information-oriented but life-oriented knowledge also. Since he has to live in the society, only theory will not work to live the life but also practical experiences are required in life's laboratory. Today’s students have bookish knowledge, result being First rankers are excellent in studies but duffer in knowledge. A student who scores 100 out of 100 in mathematics fails in life management mathematics.
Swami Sachidanand Ji has said, "Not all education is in study courses. The teacher has to teach it on his behalf and that is the teaching of good culture, discipline and the education of the good conduct". So it is important to have a life-long practical approach. Like you can get rich overnight, by just winning a lottery, but you cannot become cultured overnight. It may take generations to become one, and it will take generations to go. So, learning the values, discipline or ethics of living with education is very important (such as humility, discretion, civilization). Today you are being taught about creation of a human brain, but who cares what the brain should have. We have been informed about the composition of tongue, but no teacher teaches what to say and what not to. No teacher teaches us out of syllabus. Like respect the elders... read the characters of great men... Leave superstition and live with wisdom! It is not the responsibility of the teachers. Because human relations lessons are not taught in our schools. Therefore, a person who is morally and cultured in life are more successful in life than a person who is more ahead in materialistic life. If professional education continues in the world, man's progress will be degraded instead of progress. People will be left with only intellectual development, money-mindedness and education. Ego of their position, ego of knowledge, intensity of intelligence and depression are the weak side of this professional education. Who does not know the story of suicide after the board exams and the result? Only the proper amount of professional and practical education can save us from all this and only then can we go on the path of progress.
Practical education also be called as life-oriented education. The main objective in this education is 'Moral or Ethical Education'. Who are the teachers in such education? This kind of education begins with a family, so the culture heritage inherited from parents and grandparents forms the foundation of the student's life, so the members of the family can be called teachers of this kind. The lessons of the policy from parents are a great deal of work in life. The mother has a major role to play in this. Today the young generation has everything to do. They have knowledge and lack of strong intentions. There is no seriousness and maturity. He has youthful ness but no vision. The young generation has become direction less. There is one story. As per this story, one of the sailors, who had five mechanical boats, teaches his son to sail with his hand, but his son opposes the training he is being given. At that time his dad teaches him a lesson that, no one knows how the life will change. The machine can deceive but hands do not betray. You have to think about the possibility of all kinds of changes. The change of time does not knock on the door asking for a man's will. who can get the blessings of the same comfort that is geared towards the adversity? Because change is an indispensable order of nature. So, elders, you are your own children's best friend so understand them and guide them when required. Create a culture, discipline and a loving atmosphere in your home. The way grandparents can develop the imagination of a child by telling stories is not possible with today's cartoon films. Grandparents are lost. The ability to endure the situation, mentality, strength is all from the elders of the family. Today the spirit of a joint family is not there. With the wisdom of vocational education, we have moved beyond the reach of the combined families to the TV serials. TV programs have crossed the line in behavior of culture and traditional culture. Now everyone has a private life and every couple needs freedom. Without good will, virtue, and civilization, no education of any kind is complete. If a proper practical education is provided by the family, the direction of life will change. No value of such education can be underestimated.
Another knowledge of life-oriented education is derived from books. There is no friend like a book and no companion like it. Reading a good book can create a certain character in one's life. The autobiography and experiences of great men can be a life of many. Practical education in this way leads one to the path of peace and happiness. Now that we have rushed to television, we have lost the inheritance from books.
The third way to gain practical knowledge is 'Association'. Many times, good friends are able to inculcate the culture of another friend with their own experience. Good association has a direct effect on the thoughts of man and only thoughts are the ones that make man's heart beat. Satsang can give us the height of knowledge. Elders, you should be friends with your children. You know about his friends, meet him and give him a sense of good and bad. Bad association leads to degradation. Once, metal Copper and Gold met. Copper would tell Gold: You too are yellow and I am also yellow. What will people know if we get mixed? Gold replied well, 'What about my carat that I will lose?' So, wherever we go, we should not lose our culture wise and character wise carat, whether Dubai, Gujarat or America. We should wish to make life better by making the best of ourselves. Association is a teacher and teaches life. Practical education is thus derived from family, good books and good friends.
The only thing that is important is that many lessons are learned from the experience of life after falling into the sea. A student with knowledge that the sum of three corners of the triangle is always 180 degrees should also know the minds of the people who live in the four corners of the house. If we don't know that water is produced by getting two parts hydrogen and one-part oxygen, sky will not fall, but the chemistry of love cannot be created in the world without a mixture of two parts of intelligence and one part of humanity. If you don't understand this, you will always have punctures in the car of life. If a mill wants to produce a durable sari, it has to be careful not to use any yarn which is raw. To strengthen the country, every citizen must be a civilized and sensible. That's why I have given the title, “JEEVAN AEK PATHSALA”. If we have to raise our value, we will have to parallelly evaluate our professional and Moral values. Then no world power will stop you from succeeding.
Vocational education is incomplete without practical education. So, someone has rightly said that life is a text book. It should be included in the new education policy at the earliest. So, remember,
“There is no superior course in any University in the World than course called LIFE”