"Nature Needs to Be Better Than Good Performance"
Isn't our nature the cause of our depression?
The general belief is that a healthy body and financial well-being are essential for peace of mind, but in fact despite these two, many human beings seem to be living with constant mental dissatisfaction. Maybe our nature is not the cause of our mental turmoil or frustration? We are able to remove this unrest or dissatisfaction on our own because nature is a matter of our control and we can change our nature. Yet we do not change our nature. Because we get so used to negative attitudes that we don't even want to change for the better. For example, when a prisoner is released from prison after years, and when he comes into the world of outside light, the surrounding becomes unbearable. Prison is safe for him, it seems. Negativity has become a big part of many people's lives due to which such people are gradually left alone in their circle of negativity. And the whole world, family, friends ... seems to be responsible for their own negativity or depression.
Where does this negativity come from? Were we born with this nature?
Most people are raised in such negativity since childhood. Comparisons with siblings or fights in the family, bullying, intimidation, or rejection. Such an environment sows the seeds of negativity from childhood. We find such people in our society. Such people have dissatisfaction or negativity in everything. Whatever they get falls short of them. Such people have a bad habit of extracting negative thoughts. They are more interested in the bad talk of every person. Because of this nature, people stop welcoming them, yet we do not change our nature. We are our biggest enemy. So people with such negative thoughts may have difficulty maintaining friends, jobs, marriages, or relationships. They are spreading a negative atmosphere everywhere. And because of such a nature, loneliness, anger, despair, self-pity, etc., are born in those people and life seems dull. These are all traumatic addictions. Such thinking leads to negative programming in the subconscious mind of a man. If a man wants to be happy, he should always think positively.
What kind of nature make us negative?
9)Anger .... etc.
Friends, how can we become positive?
We need to wash and refine our tainted minds and establish positive thoughts. It is necessary to live according to the constant efforts made to realize the auspicious resolutions within the mind. Like every night is followed by a morning and every evening has a night behind it, life's joys and sorrows are also positive thoughts like day and night. They come and go but human beings should never buckle. If you don’t buckle then you will not go into the depression.
So Friends, let’s make a few resolutions or vows to be positive in nature, like:
First of all, let's change our nature:
If we adopt positive thoughts in our mind, we will be able to overcome any depression and move forward with a life full of happiness. The man who can adapt his nature to the situation is the best performer on the stage of his life. In the same way, it is our destiny to save the situation, but it is our understanding that we save the situation.
Draw a picture of your good personality:
Keep in mind that you are not weak and inferior to others. Don't fit a bad image about yourself in your mind. As the saying goes "You reap what you sow", you will become what you think you are. Remember you have to draw your own beautiful picture manually. "A man is an architect of his on future". So that you will enjoy seeing your personality and try to be like that.
Write down your thoughts:
No matter how much you suffer or fail in life, you will never give up, because nature does not have a night without a sunrise. Write down whatever good-bad natured ideas you have with hope and try to change them in a positive way over time.
Read a good book:
Awaken interest in living life. Read a book that inspires you. Read books of Characters of great personalities, autobiographies that inspire you to turn in the right direction.
Change Behavior:
Instead of thinking that everyone is betraying you, your luck is very bad or that you will never succeed, think that you are very lucky and will be successful one day. Change your daily routine in the right direction in your unfavourable situation. Like you have no right to choose a card in a card game ... but you have the right to play your Card, in the same way, we have no right to choose the circumstances in life, but how to behave in the circumstances is up to us. Trying to change your behaviour will only help to move you in a positive direction.
Change the regularity:
Change your regular routine. Change the street you come and go every day. If you get up late every day, get up early, do what you like apart from what you do every day. Stay away from negative people you meet every day, which will make your mind think in a positive direction and keep you away from the same negative thoughts every day.
Learn new things you like:
Learn something different from your daily routine. Learn in different areas in which you are interested. If you try to move forward in it, your thinking will change, which will give you new ideas that will give you inner happiness and keep you away from wrong thoughts.
Be active:
Do new activities but don't sit still, so that wrong thoughts do not come. Converse with people who are very talented in your field of interest or have mastery in another field. So that you can stay with those people and learn something new, think new. You will know your potential by staying together. Also, find someone who will make you happy and cheerful.
Go to a beautiful-inspiring place:
Such as if you eat in the office canteen every day, go to a new place, go to another place for walking every day instead of the same place. Where the beautiful-captivating atmosphere, the crafted design of the space, etc. Which will inspire you to live how beautiful the world is.
Be optimistic:
Be optimistic, develop confidence, trust yourself which leads to positiveness.
Do Satsang:
Listen to the discourses of the saint, go to the webinar of good knowledge. Meet someone with a good personality, try to learn whatever you like from it.
If you constantly strive for a positive nature, you will reap many benefits, such as:
1. Happiness will appear all around.
2. Have a good relationship with everyone.
3. Personality will improve.
4. Stress-despair will seem less.
5. People will like you.
6. You will be able to solve your questions.
7. Office, home, friends will all respect you and speak well.
8. You will know your potential.
You are the best:
God has given us so much potential. We are not at all created to fail. Sometimes even an arrow of a successful archer fails, so that does not mean he will not succeed in the future. If we think positively. we will understand our potential. And then it will seem that our life is so precious that no one can value it. But people value it from its ideas, learning, beliefs, ambitions, needs, strength to take risks, but we should not be afraid. Please don’t consider ourselves incompetent. We can come out of depression by believing that we are the best.
Make the best friends:
Friends who understand your pain, know you, guide you, show you the right direction. It is very important in life to have a friend like Lord Krishna. Therefore, when the mind becomes nauseous or dizzy or the mind is very sad, then tell such friends the pain from the heart, then the restless mind will calm down and stop taking any wrong step. Call your friends immediately, if he doesn’t pick up the phone, leave an urgent message. And until then try to focus your sad mind on doing your favourite thing or remembering Almighty. But do not try to commit suicide. It is said, "It is enough to have a picture in the room, but it is necessary to have a good friend in life."
Sometimes when depression is high and you are hesitant to tell someone about your problem and there is no way out, seek counselling or help from a doctor. But don't take any wrong step like committing suicide, taking pills, staying in a room, not talking to anyone ... etc. There are solutions to all problems, so don't give up. Often the last key in the bunch of keys unlocks the lock. Therefore, if we bring negativity in nature, even the life will feel like hell and if we think in a positive nature, even death will feel like a festival. What we do is in our hands. But do not take any steps like suicide. Our lives are as precious to us as they are to our family. There is nothing in the world that cannot be solved.